
Nightmare Wednesday


Wednesday started off ok with a trip to the field to play ball games with Ben, Lola and Ozzy for an hour of fun, we managed to walk there and back safely late morning, but then later in the afternoon I went to collect Ozzy and Spencer the walk started off fine with both boys also wanting to play with the ball, when we had just walked onto the field when a small dog came running over and just attacked poor little Spencer who was barking like mad at the dog to tell him to stop, the owners finally got hold of their dogs and waited while I had a good check over the boys who luckily even though limping a little managed to escape with just a few cuts on this leg and Ozzy somehow was absolutely fine, both boys still wanted to play with the ball after running around the field once the other dogs had gone. Still wanting to check that both boys were ok I took them both home to give them another check over, I cleaned both Ozzy and Spencer up and bandaged Spencer’s leg to help the wounds heal, also I rang the owner to let her know what had happened, I also stayed with them a little longer giving them hugs and making sure they were ok, the owner then contacted me on the night to let me know that they were ok. As us dog walkers really do treat your pets as our own and worry about them if anything ever goes wrong, we are defiantly hoping this does not happen again.

Thankfully both boys are now fine and not scared of other dogs

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